- Sound barriers
- Wood panels
- Accessories / Adhesive
- Silent Socks
- Acoustic foam - Basotect
- Acoustic foam PUR
- Corner Absorber
- Bass Trap
- Diffusors
- Acoustics foam in color
- Acoustic picture
- environmentally friendly Sound insulation
- Carpet tiles
- under screed subflooring
- Stratocell Whisper ® - Outdoor - Noise hoods
- Acoustic panels from the designer
- Hearing protection and measuring devices
- Accessories for Musicians
- For children
- Akustik Sails
- Bumper
- Plexiglas
Acoustic panels from the designer
Sound-absorbing panels directly from the Designer. You can download the catalogue here.
585 x 585 x 60 mm
brochure Download [435,46 KBytes] |
This article is shipped to Italy free of charge.
585 x 585 x 80 mm
brochure Download [148,68 KBytes] |
This article is shipped to Italy free of charge.
Soundwave – Offecct
Acoustic Offecct of Swedish designer, Soundwave Series are ideal for absorbing unwanted noise, such as voices, telephone calls or other noises.
Thus allow not only to work in peace, but also serve to privacy and to have a peaceful environment in offices, restaurants or other public places where even treat the appearance of acoustic elements is important.