Eurokustik Online-Shop

Acoustic sound absorption

Raum- und Bauakustik

EUROKUSTIK - A leading name in environmental acoustics and quality

Every day, our hearing is exposed to a variety of loud noises and sound waves
which can be harmful to our health. This exposure can cause stress, concentration
problems and hearing damage. Eurokustik has, with over 20 years of experience in
the field of room and building acoustics, the perfect solution. Our high-quality
acoustic products have been specially developed to reduce noise and create a pleasant sound atmosphere. Where people live, work and communicate, we create
an environment that offers comfort, promotes health and supports performance.

We offer a comprehensive services in this branch.

Our fields of expertise include a broad package of comprehensive services
for the planning and implementation of your acoustic project, as well as
trade with acoustic products.

Our services

  • Advice
  • Calculating
  • Analysis
  • Measurement
  • 3D simulation
  • Evaluation
  • Solution
  • Material
  • Supply
  • Assembly

Our customers

  • Designers
  • Researchers
  • Companies
  • Companies
  • Individuals
  • And you too

NEW 2023

Starting on 1 September 2023, seron srl will take over the management of the online shop from ewos srl.
Important news will follow in the coming months, and the launch of a new page and marketplace is our priority for this autumn.
Here you get to the marketplace

More than 20 years of experience in environmental and construction acoustics

Some of our partners

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